The summer is here

So, it is official: the summer season 2007 had started. Or will start tomorrow with Memorial Day. We already are slowly backing in temperatures around 30C, but at least the humidity hasn’t arrived yet. Even though I am more of a Arctic man, I suppose, the heat isn’t too bad. Especially with the cool breeze coming and going…

Haven’t written much lately. So, let me see if I can fill some of the gaps from the past months ever since I have been back from the Pole….

My car: Yep, till riding my red Olds Cutlass Supreme International. It stinks, it is loud, and behaves rather unpredictable sometimes, but it still runs! A few weeks back someone hit the front, now I have a big dent above the left headlight. This happened on one of the University parking lots, of course, the person didn’t leave a note or anything… Well, it gives the car a notorious character, I guess…

My job: Work has been intense and interesting lately. We are preparing contributions to a big conference, so things are a bit hectic… The conference is in Mérida, Mexico. That is close to beaches and Mayan ruins, so this might be a fun vacation…. Well, obviously I am there for work… 😉
What else? I have been applying for jobs. So far, I haven’t gotten any offer, but there are still options open. I can say a much: If I don’t stay here, then I will be either back in Europe or still on the North American continent. Let’s keep fingers crossed!

My movies: Well, haven’t been out much lately. Of course I saw “Spiderman 3”, “Grindhouse”, and “28 Weeks later”. Nothing much to report, they were entertaining, but not much more. Ok, “Planet Terror” rocked, it was very funny… Will watch Pirates 3 next week. On DVD, I saw some interesting movies. “The Fountain” was strange but also very touching. Aronofsky is a hell of a film maker, if you ask me! “The Crying Game” also felt unusual, but was very good. And no, I didn’t know about the worst kept secret… Anyway, movie wise things are a bit slow right now…

My music: Pärt and Schnittke are definetly the composers of the season. What, never heard of them? Try “Tabula Rasa” or “Alina” for Pärt, check out the violin concertos or the Concerto Grosso No.1 for Schnittke. And if that is too heavy, go and check imdb for their music used in films… 😉

Hmmm, I guess that is pretty much all for now. Enjoy the summer feeling!