There is a new player in town…

… and he is both fast and furious! Yep, ladies and gentleman, my first official driving lesson proved that I am a natural. Smooth, fast, relaxed: These are only a few of the attributes that describe my expertise in controling the vehicle. 😀

Ok, let’s get down to the facts: I drove an automatic, boy, that’s like a toy car! Gas, brake, gas brake, why would anyone want a manual gearbox????? Anyway, I met with my instructor, jumped into the car and off we went. After 5min or so he started accusing me of lying to him about my driving experience so far, he was complimenting me all over! Hmmm, maybe he is only a good business man…. First we stayed in town and a developement, easy going and slowing down for speed bumps. Then we got back on the highway and even on the I-95! Four lane express way, I am going 60mph and fee like flying! It was a bit crazy but I managed to get off it without a dent.

My instructor is so funny, he was swearing all along, making remarks about the other drivers and their skills. Not nice, maybe, but it did take the tension off me. Later I started ranting about a car in front of me, making the first lesson complete. 😉

So, Friday is the next tour. Probably it’ll get me back down to earth, would be fine with me: Better to blunder in a controlled environment than in a real life situation.

I’ll keep you updated,

Yours Truly Motorist


  1. JeNsO’s avatar

    Darf ich an dieser Stelle kurz anmerken, dass mein Fahrlehrer mich 130 Stunden nur beleidigt hat… na gut so schlimm war´s auch nicht, aber hätte ich den Lappen in Amerika gemacht, wäre das inklusive Flug und Aufenthalt in einem guten Mittelklasse Hotel billiger gewesen als in Deutschland… SEUFZ

  2. Usta’s avatar

    Ok, es wird noch besser: Heute hat eine Studentin ihre Fahrprüfung bestanden, nachdem sie dreimal (3x) hinter einem Lenker gesessen hat! ANGST!

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